Upgrading Hay Equipment

Upgrading Hay Equipment

Farmers have been producing hay for centuries. It's a skill that requires diligence and dedication. Farmers put time and effort into creating quality hay. They spend early mornings mowing, tedding, raking, bailing and hauling in rain or sunshine. Today, hay production can require less manual labor to produce the same quality hay.

Modern hay equipment can enhance production and turnover. Farmers can use tools like hay rakes and tedders to simplify their process and add to their unmatched skill.

Hay Equipment

For years, hay production required rigorous labor. With various farming equipment innovations, raking, cutting and drying tasks are more convenient. Modern hay equipment offers speed, high performance and increased turnover.

Hay rakes and tedders with innovative designs can enhance the hay production process and end product. Rake and tedder models offer advanced turning, spreading and drying mechanisms. With various models and designs available, you can select the most suitable equipment for your region, climate and goals.

New hay equipment helps you control the quality and efficiency of your hay production. You can also select hay tools to fit your budget, land and skill, providing affordable and effortless hay production.

Choose the Right Hay Rake

When deciding on a new hay rake, you want to select a model suitable for your production goals, climate and land. Understanding your tractor specifications can help you choose an appropriate hay rake. Knowing your tractor's horsepower rating and weight limitations is also essential for selecting the right hay rake.

Hay rakes like belts, wheels and rotaries can vary in speed, production, operation and grit, impacting your end product. Various factors like climate and drying speed can help you select the right equipment.

Here are some factors to think about when buying a hay rake:

Region and Climate

Whether in a humid, dry or temperate climate, you need a hay rake that suits your region's environment. Selecting a hay rake for your weather is essential for optimal drying speed and hay quality. High-speed and production wheel rakes can work in dry climates to drive through harsh surfaces.

Rakes like rotary and belt rakes, built for dry and humid climates, provide versatility and convenience. They can go through wet crops and cut hay on hard and dry surfaces.


Hay quality can depend on rake speed and operation. While wheel rakes offer high speed and production, they can pickup more stones and debris. Wheel rakes drive into the ground, collecting dirt along with crops, affecting the dryness and weight of windrows. Belt and rotary rake tines have minimal ground contact, producing fluffy and light windrows.


You want to consider hay bale consistency when deciding on a rake. Rotary and belt rakes pickup less debris and can produce more consistent and uniform windrows. You can have less consistent windrows with wheel rakes, impacting your hay appearance and quality.


Whether you produce hay for retail or personal use, rakes can have various mechanisms that impact your operation. You want to select a rake that supports your production and turnover goals. Wheel rakes offer a simplified operation contributing to a fast and straightforward raking process.

While rotary rakes offer flexibility for cleaner raking, they can have a more complex mechanism. Belt rakes provide efficient operations. They are versatile and can minimize the process between raking and tedding.



The dryness of your windrows can affect your hay quality. Windrows with better consistency can dry faster, increasing hay quality. Windrows that have more dirt and less consistency can take longer to dry. Belt and rotary rakes pickup less soil, provide lighter windrows and increase drying.


Equipment uptake time can impact production rates. You want to ensure you have a rake that operators can learn quickly for smooth and effortless production. Three-point mounted wheel rakes can require more skill, especially for moving around corners and curves. Belt rakes compact design can reduce operation time and provide better movement in tight spaces making it easier to control and maneuver.


Depending on your land size, you want a rake that can adjust quickly to your terrain. You also want to consider a rake that your tractor can support. Rotary and belt hay rakes have various widths and lengths to fit numerous tractors.


Selecting a compatible rake is essential if you want to power your rake using your tractor. By understanding your tractor's horsepower rating, you can pick a rake size suitable for connecting to your tractor's PTO. Tractors can pull various rotary and belt rakes. Wheel rakes are larger and can require a more powerful tractor.


Your budget is a crucial factor in selecting a hay rake. Belt and rotary rakes can cost more because of their advanced features. Wheel rakes are popular because of their lower costs. Considering the hay quality you want and your production turnover goals can help you select a rake that fits your budget and expectations.

Choose the Right Hay Tedder

A hay tedder can make all the difference in the quality of your production and end product. While traditional tedding methods are effective, they can take more time and yield less quality. Tedders offer numerous features that can increase hay production and quality, especially in larger volumes. Here are some benefits of buying a hay tedder:


Tedders can help dry out hay quickly, especially in humid and wet climatesWith efficient drying, you can produce higher-quality hay. Tedders help dry out crops, providing better windrow consistency for baling. Older balers can mold hay better when windrows are dryer. With a tedder, you can maximize the drying process for enhanced baling, especially with a round baler.


With a tedder, you can spread your hay more effectively for consistent drying. Loosely spread hay can dry faster in the sun, minimizing the moisture content, especially after rain. Improved spreading and drying can improve hay consistency, weight and uniformity.


Tedders offer various adaptable models. They come in compact sizes that require little horsepower, making them energy efficient. Tedders can also have versatile towing mechanisms that make it easy to connect to your tractor. Connecting your tedder to your tractor can increase your production speed and volumes.


Various tedders can have dual functioning and operate as a tedder and rake. You can maximize your production process using one machine. Dual functionality can also make your production process more efficient and cost-effective.


Trust Pequea For Quality Hay Production

Pequea offers premium hay production equipment. Our hay rakes and tedders provide high-performance operations for quality hay production. We design our products to last and withstand various terrains and conditions.

We are a family-owned business that understands the need for superior equipment and excellent customer service. We care about our clients and develop equipment to match their needs and goals.

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