The Leading Agriculture Equipment Company
Farming. There is no longer day, no harder work. It's a profession to be proud of, a job that reaps rewards in the spirit, not just in the pocketbook.
At Pequea, we have farming in our blood. We know the dedication, smart thinking, and commitment it requires. In fact, it's mainly the smart thinking from the farmers in the field that help us produce newer, better AG products.
We use our customers' real-world input to create products and trailers that make work easier, faster and more productive for farmers everywhere.

Pequea, Odd name, Outstanding products.
With a name this strange, there has to be a reason, right? There is.
We're from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, which was home to the Pequea Native Americans centuries ago. The names lives on here, and today we live and work in the Pequea Valley. Wondering how to pronounce our name? It's easy. Just say, "Peck-Way."
Looking Back
Pequea was founded by a local Amish farmer who wanted to dry his hay quicker. He started to build a fluffer tedder on his farm located along the Pequea Creek in the Pequea Valley of Gordonville, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
In 1990 Dennis Skibo came to Pequea to help run the company’s sales and marketing. In 1992 Mr. Skibo bought the company. In 2001 the company outgrew its 37,000 square foot facility and moved in to the present 100,000 square foot location in New Holland PA.
Pequea has grown from a small company with local customers to a mid-size company with dealers & distributors throughout North America and parts of Europe. Pequea is committed to a family friendly business model blended with innovation and growth.
Pequea, Tradition in Progress.