Wheel Rakes


Pequea’s MCR, or Mid Capacity Rake, is a versatile carted style wheel rake designed to excel in various conditions and terrains. It features individual wheel suspension and standard windrow width adjustments, ensuring optimal performance. For enhanced precision, optional features such as single-sided raking, a kicker wheel, and hydraulic wheel beam adjustments are available. The MCR’s modular design allows for easy conversion from an 8-wheel configuration to a 10 or 12-wheel setup, providing flexibility to meet changing needs. If you’re looking for a rake that offers both versatility and efficiency from the comfort of your tractor seat, the MCR is the ideal choice. To learn more, check out our other Wheel Rakes or Ag Equipment and find a Pequea Dealer near you today!

MCR Wheel Rake Features


Number of Rake Wheels 8 10 12
Wheel Diameter 55″ 55″ 55″
Tines per Wheel 40 40 40
Tine Diameter .283″ (7.2mm) .283″ (7.2mm) .283″ (7.2mm)
Rake Wheel Suspension Individual Compression Spring (1 per arm) Individual Compression Spring (1 per arm) Individual Compression Spring (1 per arm)
Rake Wheel Arms Independent Arms with Greasable Bushings Independent Arms with Greasable Bushings Independent Arms with Greasable Bushings
Overall Length 21′ 23′ 25′
Transport Height 8′ 3″ 8′ 10″ 9′ 5″
Transport Width 12’2″ 12’2″ 12’2″
Wheel Tread Width 7″ 7″ 7″
Tires (2) 205/75 D15 (2) 205/75 D15 (2) 205/75 D15
Working Width 17′ – 19′ 19′ – 21′ 21′ – 23′
Windrow Width 3′ – 5′ 3′ – 5′ 3′ – 5′
Pressure Requirements 1200 psi – 1400 psi 1200 psi – 1400 psi 1200 psi – 1400 psi
Hydraulic Requirements 1 SCV Standard (2 with Hydraulic Wheel Beam Option) 1 SCV Standard (2 with Hydraulic Wheel Beam Option) 1 SCV Standard (2 with Hydraulic Wheel Beam Option)
Electrical Requirements None Standard (Optional 12V) None Standard (Optional 12V) None Standard (Optional 12V)


  • The MCR’s single sided raking option brings versatility to raking. Turn manual valves or order the electric option and lift one arm up at a time without leaving the tractor.
  • Easily adjust spring tension for each wheel by simply removing a cotter pin– no tools necessary.
  • The MCR’s bolt-on extensions allow customers to upgrade from an 8 to a 10 or 12 wheel rake.
  • Change the windrow width on the go with the MCR’s hydraulic beam option. These cylinders mount on the wheel beam and allow for total raking control.
  • All hydraulic lines go into a single manifold. Upgrades are easily installed on the MCR. The MCR also folds evenly on hillsides.
  • The MCR’s hydraulic full size 55” kicker wheel prevents moisture from becoming trapped in hay at the center of the windrow



MCR Part Book


Hay Rake Brochure


MCR Operators Manual