Spreading in vineyards and orchards can be challenging due to tight row spacing, making it essential to choose the right spreader. Pequea’s V12G (gabled model) offers increased carrying capacity compared to the standard V-12, combining a low and narrow profile with added capacity to reduce loading and travel time. With five removable attachment options and adjustable web and spinner speeds, the V12G is designed to handle a variety of tasks efficiently and effectively, ensuring the job gets done right. To learn more, check out our other Spreaders or Ag Equipment and find a Pequea Dealer near you today!

LPV12 Orchard Spreader


Overall Height            60″
Overall Width 80″
Overall Length 20′ – 20′ 6″ (Depending on Attachment)
Hopper Width (Top)     72″
Hopper Length 14′
Floor Width 32″
Capacity   5 cu yd (struck) 7.4 cu yd (heaped)
Payload 17,600 lb
Empty Weight 4,000 lb
Hydraulics PTO Pump
Flow Control Adjustable Flow Control for Conveyors and Spinners
Floor & Chain Heavy Duty 88K Chain on 3/4″ Poly Tongue and Groove Floor
Axle Tandem Walking Beam
Tire and Wheel 18L x 16.1
Attachments Five Removable Options (See Photos/Videos Tab)
PTO Requirements      40 Hp



Orchard Spreader Cut Sheet


V12 \ V12G Operators Manual


V12 Parts # - 100038


V12 Parts Manual 100038-xxxxxx

Rate Chart

V12 Series Rate Chart

Enter the following values for estimated spread rate